5 Summer Barn and Paddock Maintenance Chores for Your To-Do List

7:23 am
Summer Barn

Top 5 Best Summer Barn and Paddock Maintenance Chores

Hopefully you’re having a great summer filled with plenty of time in the saddle. In between shows, trail rides, and clinics, though, it’s important to keep up with your barn and pasture maintenance. Are these five maintenance chores on your to-do list this summer?

1. Check in With Your Hay Supplier

With fresh hay being harvested, now is the perfect time to check in with your hay supplier. Discuss your purchasing plans throughout the year, stock up your barn, and make sure that you […]

How and Why You Should Implement Rotational Grazing On Your Property

7:26 am
Rotational Grazing On Your Property

Implement Rotational Grazing On Your Property

Are your pastures developing bare spots where horses are grazing the grass down so short it dies? When grass is grazed too much – below about 3 inches in height – it loses its nutritional quality, and even begins to die. Rotational grazing can help to prevent this, preserving and even improving the quality of your pastures.

How Rotational Grazing Can Help

When you implement rotational grazing, you are creating a system by which you rotate the areas in your pasture that your horses can access. By keeping horses off of particular […]

How to Design Your Barn and Facility to Prevent Theft

7:15 am
1 Comment
Designing Your Barn

Design Your Barn and Facility to Prevent Theft

There’s a lot to consider when you build a barn and equine facility. Unfortunately, one of those factors that needs to be on your mind is the potential for theft. Each year horses and tack are stolen, but a few changes in how you build your stable can reduce the risk of theft. Consider these tips as you plan your equine facility.

Locate Your Barn Toward the Back of the Property

When you’re building a horse farm from scratch, you have the advantage of being able […]

5 Tips to Make Your Horse’s First Show a Success

7:08 am
Horses First Show

You’ve spent countless hours riding, training, and preparing your horse for his first horse show. But before you load up and head out to the show grounds, take a moment and review these five tips. These tips can help to make your horse’s first show a success.

Prepare at Home

Your preparation for a successful first horse show needs to begin at home. Start by exposing your horse to the types of situations that he’ll need to cope with on a busy show day. Ride or handle him in a ring with multiple […]

Should You Vaccinate Your Horse Yourself?

7:04 am
Vaccinate Your Horse

Should You Self-Vaccinate Your Horse

It can be tempting to vaccinate your horse yourself, especially if you have a stable full of horses and are looking to save some money. But vaccinating your horse on your own brings a number of concerns and potential issues. Below are a few points that you’ll want to consider when making that decision.

Wellness Appointments Are a Chance to Check In With Your Vet

Annual wellness appointments don’t just serve as a chance to get your horse vaccinated. They’re also a chance to check in with […]

What You Need to Know About Quarantining a New Horse


With spring finally here, you may be thinking about buying a new horse or bringing new horses in to your training or boarding program. Do you have a quarantine program in place? If not, be sure to review these tips on quarantining a new horse to help keep your other horses both safe and healthy.

Why You Need to Quarantine a Horse

Quarantining a new horse should be a standard practice in any barn. When you bring in a new horse, whether it’s coming from an elite stable or from an auction house, you never […]

How to Set Your Barn Up to Minimize Flies

4:13 am

Effective Strategies to Minimize Flies in Your Barn

Springtime weather means longer days, no more horse blankets, and plenty of time to ride. But it also means that flies will soon begin to emerge. If flies have had you and your horses frustrated in the past, then be sure to check out these tips which can help you to set up your barn to minimize flies.

Strategically Locate Your Manure Pile

Give some thought to where your manure pile is currently located, and if you may need to move it. Ideally, your manure pile should be […]

Biosecurity Tips for Horse Shows

6:08 am
Biosecurity Tips for Horse Shows

Best Biosecurity Tips for Horse Shows

With horse show season in sight, chances are that you and your horse will be traveling off-farm to at least a few shows. And while much of your focus will be on putting in a successful day at each competition, there’s one other very important aspect you need to think about: Biosecurity.

Each year we hear about serious contagious equine diseases making the rounds through the United States. These diseases can leave your horse’s health compromised, and busy showgrounds – especially those where your horse is staying overnight in a […]

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