Ready For Rio? Where to Watch the 2016 Olympic Games Equestrian Coverage

12:14 am

8 responses on “Ready For Rio? Where to Watch the 2016 Olympic Games Equestrian Coverage

With just a few weeks to go before Rio 2016, do you know where your Olympics coverage will be? Unless you’re heading to Brazil to catch the equestrian action first-hand, you’re probably going to want to figure out your television and internet options now — so you can plan to put the rest of the world on hold accordingly! Here’s the details we have on equestrian coverage for the 2016 Olympic games.

NBCUniversal’s combined networks and digital platforms plan […]

Celebrating National Farrier’s Week

8:41 am

National Celebration

Next week is a national celebration of some of the most important people in your horses’ lives: their farriers.

Didn’t get the memo about National Farrier’s Week? Don’t worry, most people don’t, as it tends to fall onto those calendars of “weird holidays” like National Pumpkin Muffin with Icing Day. And that’s too bad, because we really couldn’t manage without our farriers. They deserve to be celebrated! In that spirit, we have five easy ways to thank your farrier for being awesome, not just on National Farrier’s […]

Preparing Horses for Fireworks Displays

2:22 pm

How to Prepare Horses for Fireworks Displays

With the Fourth of July upon us, it’s officially fireworks season in the United States. Are you prepared for the potential effects of fireworks near your farm? Fireworks can be hazards in a multitude of ways, whether it’s the physical debris or the loud noise. Here are some tips to assess your fireworks preparedness level.

1. Know your neighbors. It can be difficult to keep up with neighbors in rural areas, especially if you’re on large properties. If you aren’t sure who lives next door […]

Refreshing and Entertaining Horse Treats

8:48 am

Celebrate National Farrier’s Week: Honoring Equine Care Experts

Horse treats aren’t just rewards for a job well done. A horse treat can add refreshment and entertainment to your horse’s life, encouraging natural behaviors even if their stall-bound life doesn’t exactly resemble the open grasslands horses are designed to inhabit. Horses are foragers by nature, picking out the good from the bad while grazing, so offering them treats that require a little more work than a pile of hay is a great way to enrich their lives.

You can buy plenty of stall toys […]

Electrolytes for Horses Made Simple

12:11 am

Electrolytes for Horses: Simple Guide to Keep Them Hydrated

Electrolytes: a simple supplement which can cause impassioned arguments in the equestrian world. Feed commercial electrolytes in feed — no, put it in the water! — but electrolytes are to make horses drink more water! — just put salt in their feed — they only need mineral blocks…. And so on.

Here’s the most simple definition of what electrolytes do: electrolytes keep a horse’s cells operational and hydrated. When a horse’s electrolyte levels are off, their cells stop operating properly, water isn’t carried to the cells which need it […]

Horse Show Live Streams, Where to Find Them

11:29 pm

Where to Find Horse Show Live Streams

The equestrian life doesn’t typically leave a lot of downtime. But we all need our moments of leisure, and they’re even better when we can count those precious moments as “work,” too. Plus, do we really need an excuse to watch more horses after we’ve come inside from working with our own?

Streaming horse shows has become a huge new source of fun and education for equestrians. Whether you’re watching a hunter round to take pointers from top riders, or just blowing off some steam with a […]

Organizing Your Tack Trunk

10:59 am

Organizing Your Tack Trunk: Tips for Efficiency and Space

Summer is here, and the show season is in full swing. Luckily, you organized your tack room, your tack trunk, and your trailer during spring cleaning, right? OK, we know you skipped spring cleaning, but that’s no reason to let a disorganized life bring you down. Take a little time on a rainy day and get your stable life back on track. Here’s some barn organization tips:

Sort it out: Whatever you might need at a show does not include everything you own. Pick a […]

Dusty Arenas: Do Your Homework With Magnesium Chloride

4:45 pm

Keeping horses healthy requires horse-owners, trainers, and barn managers to acquire so much scientific knowledge, it’s a wonder we aren’t all awarded honorary doctorates after a certain number of decades. Working closely with veterinarians, nutritionists, and extension offices gives us a working knowledge of biology our high school science teachers probably never anticipated. Still, one wonder of science continues to evade many horsemen: how to keep the dust down in an indoor arena.

Watering indoor arenas has long been the go-to method for keeping down dust, but since it can cause freezing in winter and mud […]

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