Winter Feeding Tips

6:13 am

Essential Tips for Feeding Horses in Winter

The winter season can make serious changes to the way your horse lives and exercises. This, in turn, changes your horse’s nutritional requirements. From the type of feed you’re providing, to the nutrients found within, let’s take a look at winter feeding for horses.

Less Exercise. The horse who is used to daily workouts or spending most of his time outside might suddenly find himself stalled for days on end during bad weather. Many horsemen will automatically cut back on grain. After all, the stalled horse […]

Does My Horse Need a Winter Blanket?

3:06 am
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Here comes winter! Well, it’s starting to feel like fall in many parts of the country, and that means shaggy horses. If you’re clipping winter coats, you’re probably starting to go through your blanket inventory. If you’re leaving your horses fuzzy this winter, you might be wondering if your horse needs a winter blanket.

Well, he might not need a winter wardrobe at all. A healthy horse with a winter coat, a good diet with plenty of calories, and a windbreak with shelter probably […]

5 Horse Toys for Your Bored Horse

8:22 pm

5 Fun Toys to Keep Your Horse Entertained

Is your horse stall-bound? Or does he get turned out alone, and spend his days walking the fence, whinnying, and generally being a pain? Some horses need more entertainment than a pile of hay or a swath of green grass. Luckily, modern horses can alleviate their boredom with horse toys. Here are five horse toys to liven up your bored horse’s life!

The Jolly Ball. It’s been around for decades, and the Jolly Ball ( is still making a certain […]

Grooming 101: Keeping Your Horse’s Tail Beautiful

5:55 pm
horse grooming

Grooming 101

Is your horse’s tail less than perfect? Most of us dream of a perfect unicorn with flowing forelock, mane, and tail, but life is usually less than perfect. Our fantasy unicorns never roll in mud and always disdain cockleburrs, but our real-life horses generally prefer dirt and mess to anything else.

There’s no magic potion to make your horse’s tail unicorn-quality overnight, but careful management in everything from grooming to feeding can help your horse develop a tail you’ll be happy to daydream about.

Daily Grooming: Daily maintenance […]

Light Coats: Do’s and Don’ts for Keeping Horses Show-Ready Under Lights

8:07 pm

Light Coats

The fuzzy days of fall are upon us, when horses lose their show-ring sheen and begin to puff into mastodon models. If you’re showing this winter, or just plain don’t want to deal with all that hair, you might be tempted to leave the barn lights on late. Horses do grow their winter coats based upon the shortening of winter days, not the crisp chill in the air, but take a minute to review these do’s and don’ts of keeping your horse under lights. It would be a shame to pay […]

Emergency Preparedness for Horse Owners

11:55 pm

Essential Emergency Preparedness Tips for Horse Owners

Emergencies, whether caused by a storm, wildfire, or other event out of our hands, are not the time to start making plans and buying supplies. It’s important to be prepared for an emergency, a time when your farm might be without electricity, running water, or accessible roads, before trouble strikes. Here are some emergency preparedness tips for horse owners to consider.

Keep feed, hay, and medications well-stocked. The Humane Society of the United States recommends keeping several days’ worth of feed and necessary medications on-hand. Should […]

Fall Pasture Care Tips

1:40 am

Essential Fall Tips for Caring for Your Pasture

Fall is here! It’s time to think about grass. Wait — grass? But isn’t winter coming? If your spring grass is the last thing on your mind as the days grow cooler and the green starts to disappear from the pasture, read on. Next year’s grass depends on this year’s good care. Here are some fall pasture care tips to give you a green spring.

Take a soil sample. Your local extension office can analyze your soil and see what nutrients your ground is lacking […]

Three Easy Steps to Dry Hooves

7:12 am

Three Simple Steps to Effectively Dry Your Horse’s Hooves

We all know that mud and constant wet wreaks havoc on our horses’ hooves. We also know that mud and wet weather is a part of life in most stables. So what’s an equestrian to do with all those wet hooves? Here are three easy steps to dry hooves that can maintain a balanced moisture level and make your horse happy.

Stable your horse on clean bedding. Even a horse who is happy living outside can benefit from some time on your favorite bedding if their hooves […]

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