Straw Bale Construction – The Right Fit for Your Barn?

5:56 pm
Supply Chain and Logistics Challenges on Equine Architecture Projects

Equilume: Enhancing Your Barn for Healthier, Happier Horses

Straw bale buildings can be an incredible eco-friendly methodology to build a barn structure, storage facility, or personal residence. With the green building movement’s rapid rise, more people are looking at this construction system to bring their dream facility come to life. While it takes a bit of skill and craftmanship, many owners opt for a self-building technique as a relatively inexpensive solution that requires limited assistance from professional construction companies.

We have compiled a few considerations for your straw bale construction project:

A Green, Esthetic […]

The Impact of Supply Chain and Logistics Challenges on Equine Architecture Projects

8:46 pm
The Impact of Supply Chain and Logistics Challenges on Equine Architecture Projects

Supply Chain Challenges in Equine Architecture Projects

The covid-19 pandemic has rocked the logistics world to its core and has uncovered many vulnerabilities in the US and global supply chains, impacting nearly every industry. Unfortunately, the equestrian community has not been immune to it. Architecture and barn design projects require collaborating with clients to purchase the best and safest material to make their vision come to life, and sourcing products from first and second tier suppliers overseas is a necessity in our day-to-day activities.

Unfortunately, due to the current covid-19 related shipping delays and […]

How to Include a Chicken Coop in Your Barn

5:19 pm
How to Include a Chicken Coop in Your Barn

Given current global trends and an increased collective consciousness to become more environmentally responsible, many people seek less impactful ways of living. Keeping chickens in your barn and collecting fresh eggs can be a fun and rewarding activity, while contributing to a more sustainable lifestyle. Shown below are a few tips to include a chicken coop in your barn design:

Should You Buy or Build Your Chicken Coop?

If you have decided to keep chickens at your barn, you will need to build an adequate shelter. Chickens are especially vulnerable to predators and adverse weather, therefore finding a […]

The Horse: A Powerful Symbol in Marketing

1:22 am
A Powerful Symbol in Marketing

Horses have been used as a symbol of power, beauty, and nobility for many centuries. They have been depicted in ancient art forms and have inspired creative souls long before the notion of marketing existed. Today, the horse is considered a staple in various brand marketing strategies and commercials; a trend seen across many industries around the world. From fashion, lifestyle, luxury goods, and even financial services, horses have forged a place in marketing for brands to appeal as trustworthy and powerful allies to their target audience.

The Automobile Industry & Horses:

Some of the most […]

How to ‘Potty Train’ Your Horse Using Stud Piles

7:08 pm
1 Comment
How to ‘Potty Train’ Your Horse Using Stud Piles

Maintaining a clean pasture and keeping the area clear of droppings is an important step in ensuring the wellbeing of your horse. With an average of 15-20 bowel movements per day, generating up to 50lb of manure, cleaning up after your horse can quickly become a labor-intensive activity, making manure management feel like a never-ending clearance chore!

To recognize horses’ poop habits, it is useful to understand their behavior in their natural habitat. In the same way that dogs urinate to mark their territory, stallions in the wild use ‘stud piles’ as ‘elimination marking behavior’. By leaving […]

Using 5S Methodology to Organize Your Tack Room

1:22 am
Using 5S Methodology to Organize Your Tack Room

By now you have probably heard of world-renowned organization expert and Netflix sensation, Marie Kondo, and her approach to home tidying and decluttering. But did you know that this system can also be used to organize your tack room? Kondo’s popular methodology is largely based on the 5S process for lean manufacturing, a universally recognized approach to keeping a clean and orderly environment to improve efficiency and reduce risks of mistakes and accidents. The ‘5S’ stand for 5 Japanese words, each representing steps that can be undertaken to achieve your ideal functional tack room and make the best […]

Building your own Paddock Paradise – Advantages and Considerations

5:36 pm
Building your own Paddock Paradise

What is ‘Paddock Paradise’?

The concept of Paddock Paradise was first introduced in Jaime Jackson’s book “Paddock Paradise, A Guide to Natural Horse Boarding” in 2007. For many years, the author observed US feral horses in their natural habitat and studied their movements as well as the interaction with their surroundings. Over time, he noticed that free-roaming horses move about and follow familiar paths, referred to as “tracks”. Jaime sought to apply this concept to domestic horses, creating a system that would allow them to freely move along pathways within a fenced paddock, mimicking the natural […]

Equestrianism, a Sport for All? Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Horse World

6:00 pm
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Horse World

Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Equestrianism

Organizations can no longer deny that a focus on diversity and inclusion is essential to succeed and flourish, and the equestrian industry is no exception to this new standard. Unfortunately, the high cost of participating in equestrian sports means that it has been, for a long time, an activity reserved for the elite of predominantly white background. Today, many equestrians and organizations are advocating to promote inclusion and diversity in the horse world, in the hopes of one day making equestrianism a sport accessible for all.

In 2020, the US Equestrian Federation […]

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