Horse Barn Interior Safety

I’ve never seen any really egregious examples of bad practices for barn interiors. I’m talking about sharp corners, toxic materials, non-tempered glass and that sort of thing that could injure a horse when they’re in the barn.

Most of the shortcuts or less-than-ideal things I’ve seen in barn construction result from budgetary concerns and that is something that I understand. However, when you think about it, it’s not very difficult and often not expensive to keep your horse safe in the barn by following a few guidelines.

We don’t […]

Horse Tack: Saddle Care Quick Tips

9:17 pm

Whether you’re riding leather or synthetic, English or Australian, protecting and properly maintaining your saddle can add years, even decades, to the life of your saddle.

If you dig around a little you will find an abundance of information concerning saddle care. The trouble is, nearly every piece of advice seems to also come with a backdoor pitch for the latest oil, more effective brushes, or a new type of sealant. Let’s avoid name-brand products and clever acronyms and distill all the information down to a few key steps that will help your saddle last […]

Video: Keeping Your Horse from Tripping in the Stall

A sometimes overlooked item in barn building is door hardware.

Not just what the door is assembled with, which is a concern for horse health and should be factored in. But also how the door is moved.

Sliding doors in barns are optimal for a variety of reasons, space being one of the more important. Stall doors can be large and heavy and that means have secure rails and guides. But remember that your horse is going to be stepping through that space frequently. Innovative Equine Systems has come up with a great solution that you can see […]

To Tree or Not to Tree

That really is the question when you’re pasturing horses. Do you plant trees for shade for your horses and if so, what kind?

The typical bucolic scene of a horse farm is expected to include ancient giants their bending leafy branches toward the ground and your equine friends grazing happily beneath. It’s a lovely idea. Let’s look at the reality.

Trees can actually become a hazard to your horses in the pasture. If you live in an area with frequent thunderstorms with lightning that reaches the ground (which it often does), you don’t want […]

Horse Barn Interiors: A New Way to Care

You probably already know that bamboo now comes in many gorgeous forms that you can use in flooring, paneling, and other applications. You might also know that this versatile wood is a sustainable, renewable resource.

Did you know that it’s good for your horses? Not for food—for finish material in the barn.

Although panda’s eat bamboo, it would be hard for your horses to digest because it’s so woody. But we’re talking about surrounding your horses with finished bamboo in the stall. Take a look:

We loved this idea so much we started […]

Riding Arena Footing: Anatomy of a Forelimb

4:16 am

As we wrote about the importance of the proper footing for the kind of equine activity you’re engage in, we mentioned that poor footing can be hazardous to your horses health in many ways.

We wrote:

“The forces carried through your horse’s hoof during movement are tremendous. When the hoof strikes the riding surface, the response from the surface is either concussive, absorptive, or reflective.”

Watch this fascinating video, created by Dr. Jonathan Merritt for his Ph.D. dissertation and you’ll have a better sense of how those concussive forces are distributed by an extremely […]

Riding Arenas: Getting Your Footing

I’ll bet we’re not the only horse enthusiasts who find the biom echanics and forces of horse movement fascinating.

Some of the people who study such things are the people who develop footing for riding arenas.

What is Footing?

Footing is the term we use for the surface laid down for horses to move on during exercise or horse-riding events.

Competition to be the company that supplies footing for high-visibility equine events is fierce. This benefits all of us who love our horses because it means the development of better and better […]

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