How to Create an Ideal Deworming Program for Your Stable

12:46 am

With parasite resistance on the rise, vets are advising horse and stable owners to change their deworming programs. If you haven’t yet adopted the practice of strategic deworming, then it may be time to take a look at your stable’s deworming program. The below tips can help you to create an ideal deworming program for your stable.

Understanding Fecal Egg Counts

Fecal egg counts are the basis of your strategic deworming program. These counts measure the parasite egg counts present in each horse’s manure. This can help you to identify which horses shed high numbers […]

The Pros and Cons of the Different Types of Fly Control for Your Stable

7:52 pm

Summer is here, but with it come the flies. When it comes to controlling flies in and around your barn, you have many different options. Choosing the right type of fly control for your stable will depend on a number of factors, and each fly management system has its own pros and cons. 

What You Need to Know About Different Types of Fly Control

Here are the details you should know about the different types of fly control options available. We’ve highlighted some of the most common options to help you get started. 

Fly Predators

Maximizing Safety When Vaccinating Your Horse

11:31 pm

Vaccinations are a must for most performance horses, and vaccinating your horse is a routine aspect of his health care. While vaccines are carefully developed and monitored to be as safe as possible, adverse reactions can and do happen. These tips can help you to maximize your horse’s safety when he does need to be vaccinated.

Determine Your Horse’s Risk Factors

One of the simplest ways to reduce your horse’s risk of having an adverse vaccine reaction is to only give him the vaccines that he absolutely needs. Think carefully about your horse’s risk […]

Tips for Designing a Great Wash Stall

With spring upon us, it’ll be time to wash off muddy legs and prepare horses for show season. A wash stall or wash bay in your barn can make bathing easier and faster, but a poorly designed wash stall can cause problems and even be a safety issue. If you’re thinking of building a wash stall or wash bay in your barn, these tips can help you to design a wash area that you will love.

Consider Location

It’s best to plan your wash stall location when you initially plan your entire barn’s layout […]

How to Make Managing Blanketing in Your Barn Easier

8:49 pm

Blanketing Your Horses Simplified

Owning a barn in the winter is full of challenges. From plowing snow to keeping water buckets from freezing, you’ll have plenty of work ahead of you. But one chore – blanketing – is particularly time-consuming. These five tips can help to simplify your blanketing to save you time and frustration.

Minimize Your Blanketing

Perhaps the best way to simplify your blanketing program is to minimize the amount that you need to blanket your horses. If a horse has the winter off from riding, or is retired, let them grow their coats […]

New Technology Can Help You Monitor Your Horse’s Health

7:39 pm

Advancements in technology are revolutionizing the world. Lucky for us, they’re also improving our capabilities in the horse world. Whether you’re worried about your horse having an emergency while you aren’t there, or want to improve the effectiveness of your training program, chances are that there’s a new type of technology that can help you with that.

These three apps, programs, and devices can help you monitor your horse’s health for improved safety and even improved care for the horses in your barn.


Nightwatch, deemed the world’s first smart halter, can […]

Disaster Preparedness for the Horse Owner

5:08 am

With Hurricane Florence hitting North and South Carolinas this week, we’ve all seen firsthand how important it is for horse owners to have a disaster preparedness plan in place. Have you designed an evacuation plan yet? The tips below can help you to create, improve, and refine your plans so that you’re well prepared just in case disaster ever strikes your area.

Create a Detailed Evacuation Plan

If you had to leave your farm with only a few hours’ notice, what would you do? Where would you go? Could you transport all of your horses and […]

Should You Booster Your Horse’s Vaccines This Fall?

8:14 am

If you ask a bunch of horse owners whether they booster their horses’ vaccines in the fall, you’ll probably get many different answers. Some vets highly recommend boosters, and some boarding barns may require them. But if you’re lucky enough to have your horses at home, the decision is probably up to you. So what’s the right choice?

Truth is, there’s no one easy answer to this question. Instead, you’ll need to weigh a few different factors in order to make the decision that’s right for you and your horse.

Your Horse’s […]

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