5 Barn Winter Prep Tasks to Take Care of Now

7:29 pm
Winter Prep

Top 5 Barn Winter Prep Tasks to Take Care of Now

Winter will be here before you know it, and those cold temperatures have already started to descend over parts of the country. Don’t get caught off-guard with your winter barn prep! Here are five important tasks that you should take care of now.

Maintain Your Horse Trailer

As your show season wraps up and you get ready to put your trailer away for the weekend, take a day and do some important maintenance. Pull up all of your floor mats and evaluate your […]

5 Summer Barn and Paddock Maintenance Chores for Your To-Do List

7:23 am
Summer Barn

Top 5 Best Summer Barn and Paddock Maintenance Chores

Hopefully you’re having a great summer filled with plenty of time in the saddle. In between shows, trail rides, and clinics, though, it’s important to keep up with your barn and pasture maintenance. Are these five maintenance chores on your to-do list this summer?

1. Check in With Your Hay Supplier

With fresh hay being harvested, now is the perfect time to check in with your hay supplier. Discuss your purchasing plans throughout the year, stock up your barn, and make sure that you […]

5 Tips to Make Your Horse’s First Show a Success

7:08 am
Horses First Show

You’ve spent countless hours riding, training, and preparing your horse for his first horse show. But before you load up and head out to the show grounds, take a moment and review these five tips. These tips can help to make your horse’s first show a success.

Prepare at Home

Your preparation for a successful first horse show needs to begin at home. Start by exposing your horse to the types of situations that he’ll need to cope with on a busy show day. Ride or handle him in a ring with multiple […]

5 Ways to Get Riding Fit in February

6:36 am

Top 5 Tips to Get Riding Fit in February

It may only be February, but the summer riding and show season really isn’t that far away. Even if you still have snow on the ground and aren’t able to get back into the saddle yet, you can still work on getting yourself fit for riding. Here are five tips that will help you get fit and ready to get back into the saddle.

Stand on the Stairs

Remember the good old stair trick that your first riding instructor had you do as […]

5 New Year’s Resolutions Perfect for Horse Owners

5:10 am

New Year’s Resolutions for Horse Owner

If you’re still trying to figure out that perfect resolution, we might be able to help. We’ve come up with 5 great New Year’s resolutions that are perfect for horse owners. Take a look!

Learn Something New About Riding

No matter how much you know about riding, there’s always room to learn something new. Make learning more about riding one of your New Year’s resolutions this year. Take extra riding lessons, or attend a clinic and ride with a trainer that you […]

Build It And They Will Come…

3:41 pm

When horse owners are faced with choosing the right barn for boarding and training, no two options are alike. So what will it take to make your show facility stand out from the rest?

Start with a professional website

Your website is home-base for your business and will often provide a first impression to your potential clients. It doesn’t have to be expensive; however it does need to portray quality and a high standard of professionalism. Great photos and videos showing happy clients, quality horses and a clean, safe, well-equipped facility are a must! Your […]

Trail Riding Safety – Know Before You Go

6:16 am

Trail Riding Safety

Autumn is the perfect time of year to enjoy a long trail ride with your horse, while taking in the beauty of the season. But before you head out on the trail be sure you’re prepared, to assure you and your horse both enjoy a safe and pleasant ride.

Prepare Your Horse
Before venturing out with your equine companion, be sure his confidence and fitness levels are adequate for the ride you have planned. If he is inexperienced on trails, slowly desensitize him to unique situations such as uneven terrain, water, dogs […]

Six Easy Hacks for an Organized Tack Room

6:53 am
Six Easy Hacksforan Organized

Six Simple Hacks to Organize Your Tack Room Efficiently

Get organized! Your barn and tack room are tough to keep ahead of. With boarders, students, and clients in and out all the time, to say nothing of barn staff never putting things back in quite the same place twice, we know even the best-designed tack room is going to slip into chaos without constant intervention. Prevention is the best way to tackle a lack of organization! With this in mind, we have six easy hacks to a more organized tack room, feed room, and barn

1. Go […]

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