The Top 5 Apps for Equestrians

by Matt

Have a smartphone? Then you have a valuable tool that can improve your riding, competition results, horse care skills, and more. Thanks to the countless apps for equestrians available now, you can turn your phone into a horse health database, a way to access the rules for your next competition, and even an alarm that will alert others if you get into trouble while riding alone. These top 5 apps for equestrians are must-haves.

Horse Side Vet Guide

Have questions about your horse’s health? Horse Side Vet Guide is a database loaded with valuable equine health information. It covers everything from diagnostics to treatments to skills that can help you to better evaluate and care for your horse. While it’s not a substitute for your vet, this app can act as a great informative resource. Enjoy instructional videos, detailed diagrams, and more.

Horse Side Vet Guide is available for iOS and Android.


What vaccinations did your horse receive at his last vet appointment? When did he have those x-rays again? And when is his next farrier appointment?

Keeping horse owners organized and on top of their horses’ medical records, HorseNotes is a convenient app that tracks all of the important details for you. You can create records for multiple horses so you can track who needs what, when upcoming appointments are, and more. You can even attach photos of receipts, invoices, and more for a comprehensive record system, all available through your phone.

HorseNotes is available for iOS and Android.

Ride With Me

If you ride alone, the Ride With Me App, made by SmartPak, is a great safety backup. The app will monitor your movement during your ride. If it detects that your movement has stopped, it will sound an alarm. If you’re okay, just turn off the alarm.

If you’re not okay and you don’t turn off the alarm, the app will text a group of emergency contacts that you’ve previously added. The text will include your GPS coordinates and will let the recipients know that the app hasn’t been able to detect movement and that you may be in trouble.

Ride With Me is available for iOS.


If you have someone who can videotape your rides, lessons, and competitions for you, then you have a valuable learning tool right at your fingertips. With CMV, you can slow down the videos for greater detail and analysis. Plus, you can draw lines, angles, and more right onto the video to better assess your posture, your horse’s movement, and more.

CMV is available for iOS.

Competition Rule Books

Did you know that you can access FEI and USDF rule books right through your phone? Each has an app available so you can quickly check up on allowable medications, prohibited equipment, and other details that you may need. Whether you’re already at a competition or are preparing for a lesson, these apps make important information easily accessible.

The FEI rule book is available for iOS and Android.

The USDF rule book is available for iOS and Android.

The Best Apps for Equestrians

These apps are our top 5 favorites for equestrians and allow you to put cutting-edge technology to use around the barn. Do you have other favorite apps that equestrians might love? If so, please share them with us in the comments!

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