3 Ways to Save Your Horse Bedding

6:48 am
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Horse bedding: there’s never enough of it, is there? Whether you use shavings or straw, horse bedding always seems to disappear at an alarming rate. It’s frustrating throwing down expensive bedding so your horses can literally destroy it, but there are ways to stretch your bedding and save some money along the way. Using fewer resources, better, to save money? Sign us up, please! Here are some strategies to save horse bedding.

Try a sifter: For the horse who treats his stall like the set of “Twister,” there’s no manure pile too large to be […]

How to Stock Your Foaling Kit

6:23 am

Springtime is the traditional foaling season, but your mare could be expecting a foal at any time of year. Your foaling kit should be ready to go at a moment’s notice, because once the mare’s water breaks, you should have a foal on the ground within thirty minutes. That means the time to prepare is well before your mare’s due date. So how should you stock your foaling kit?

Here are some of the essential elements of a foaling kit:

Flashlight, battery-powered lantern, or head lamp, with extra batteries: Sure, it would be best […]