3 Ways to Save Your Horse Bedding

6:48 am
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Horse bedding: there’s never enough of it, is there? Whether you use shavings or straw, horse bedding always seems to disappear at an alarming rate. It’s frustrating throwing down expensive bedding so your horses can literally destroy it, but there are ways to stretch your bedding and save some money along the way. Using fewer resources, better, to save money? Sign us up, please! Here are some strategies to save horse bedding.

Try a sifter: For the horse who treats his stall like the set of “Twister,” there’s no manure pile too large to be […]

How to Stock Your Foaling Kit

6:23 am

Springtime is the traditional foaling season, but your mare could be expecting a foal at any time of year. Your foaling kit should be ready to go at a moment’s notice, because once the mare’s water breaks, you should have a foal on the ground within thirty minutes. That means the time to prepare is well before your mare’s due date. So how should you stock your foaling kit?

Here are some of the essential elements of a foaling kit:

Flashlight, battery-powered lantern, or head lamp, with extra batteries: Sure, it would be best […]

2017’s Best Equine Conventions

3:29 am

Let’s face it, farm life can be a little isolating sometimes. And as the services we need for our horses grow further and further apart, it can be harder to get in-person looks at updated equine tech, see a new trainer in action, or just buy some new horse books! That’s where equine conventions come in. With equestrian-themed expos, you can meet up with friends, do some hard-core shopping for your tack room, and see some of the best trainers in the world in action. You’ll come home happy and inspired. So let’s […]

Horse Barn Basics

7:02 am

What do you really need for your horse barn? Building a stable for your horses can feel like a monumental task. There are so many designs, many of which we’ve covered here at the blog. In fact, you’ll find links to our articles on center-aisle barns, raised center-aisle barns, and shed-row barns at the end of this post. But if you’re just starting to plan your horse barn design, we can get you started with some useful questions to consider.
1. How many horses should I keep on my property? You could […]

Bathing Your Horse: How Often Is Best?

6:12 am

Soap suds and bubbles in the wash-rack: in some barns it’s a daily sight. In others, horses might only get a bath before special occasions like shows or parades. Determining how often you should bathe your horse is often based upon personal preference and need, or even industry practice. If you run a racing stable, you’re probably giving your horse a soapy bath after every ride, but if you’re managing a hunter/jumper barn, it’s more likely to be once a week. So when it comes to bathing your horse, what’s really best for […]

Your Horse’s Tack: Different Nosebands and Their Uses

6:00 pm

At its most basic, the noseband’s purpose is to keep a horse’s mouth shut around the bit. A horse can evade the bit by gaping open his mouth, so nose pressure assists in keeping his mouth closed and adding a measure of control. However, one glance inside any tack room can tell you there are many different nosebands on the market. Use of these different nosebands can apply to certain training or behavioral applications, so let’s take a look at some common nosebands and their use.

Feature Photo: Drop noseband

The Plain Noseband or Cavesson

Choosing Healthy Treats for Your Horse

7:17 am

What’s your favorite treat for your horses? Is it healthy? Finding healthy treats for horses can be challenging. Commercial treats might look pretty and fun to share, but they might also be loaded with sugar, or even allergens that upset your horse’s stomach. As a follow up to our posts Refreshing and Entertaining Horse Treats, and Healthy Treats for Horses, we have some additional tips on finding the best healthy treats for your horse.

Stay Natural
If you have good storage options for fresh fruits and vegetables, why not stick with natural treats? Horses are prone […]

Six Easy Hacks for an Organized Tack Room

6:53 am

Get organized! Your barn and tack room are tough to keep ahead of. With boarders, students, and clients in and out all the time, to say nothing of barn staff never putting things back in quite the same place twice, we know even the best-designed tack room is going to slip into chaos without constant intervention. Prevention is the best way to tackle a lack of organization! With this in mind, we have six easy hacks to a more organized tack room, feed room, and barn

1. Go #MatchyMatchy to organize tack belonging to multiple horses. Tired of seeing […]

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