Equestrianism, a Sport for All? Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Horse World

6:00 pm

Organizations can no longer deny that a focus on diversity and inclusion is essential to succeed and flourish, and the equestrian industry is no exception to this new standard. Unfortunately, the high cost of participating in equestrian sports means that it has been, for a long time, an activity reserved for the elite of predominantly white background. Today, many equestrians and organizations are advocating to promote inclusion and diversity in the horse world, in the hopes of one day making equestrianism a sport accessible for all.

In 2020, the US Equestrian Federation (USEF) publicly released the USEF Member Racial Demographics […]

Breaking News in the Equine World: Modern Domestic Horses’ Origins Revealed!

6:32 pm

Debates around where domesticated horses came from has been a hot topic in the horse world for many years. For a long time, we believed that our modern equine friends originated from Przewalski’s horses, a rare and endangered ‘distant cousin’ subspecies native to central Asia’s steppes. However, a 2018 research publication by Science revealed compelling evidence of bridling, including bit marks on teeth remains of Botai horses, originally from a region North Kazakhstan, approximately 5500 ago. These findings suggest that Botai horses shared close proximity to humans long before Przewalski’s horses were around.

Surprisingly, DNA analysis and […]

The Turnout Debate and How to Minimize Field-Related Injuries

11:28 pm

The turnout debate:

After several months of lockdowns and social isolation, people around the world have become increasingly aware of the effects of prolonged confinement on mental health. So, when a renowned Grand Prix rider announced that she was not giving her horses any turnout in order to avoid potential field injuries, it sent the internet into an uproar. Social media users were quick to point the finger at her disregard for her horses’ well-being and mental health. She defended that, while her horses do not get field turnout per say, they leave their stalls several times […]

Spotlight on a Few Equestrian Brands Paving the Way for a Sustainable Future

11:31 pm

One of the macro-trends in the equestrian fashion industry is a focus towards environmentally friendly, sustainable practices. Equestrians around the world show a real demand for ethically sourced, organic products with transparent supply chains, and modern equestrian fashion is rapidly catching up to this trend. While adapting to new business practices can be a challenge for brands, it also provides exciting opportunities for new, innovative brands looking to differentiate themselves in an evolving market.

We have gathered below a few equestrian brands that are paving the way for a more sustainable future:

The New Horseware Ireland Eco-collection […]

3 Tech-Savvy Tips to Manage Your Barn More Efficiently

1:45 am

With digital transformation revolutionizing nearly every industry, it is only a matter of time before new technologies become part of our day-to-day in facilitating barn management activities. Some of the latest technological advances will help improve your barn operations so you can spend less time on chores and administration, and more time with your horses.

Smart Barn Technologies (App):

If you are familiar with the “Smart Home” concept, you will love the Smart Barn app. Managing your barn has never been easier, as this app uses smart technologies and devices to help barn managers operate different […]

Wild Turkey Farm – an Equine Facility Design Project

11:36 pm

Twenty years ago, Equine Facility Design started a new ambitious journey with a client to plan, design and build a new home for Wild Turkey Farm, a luxurious equine breeding and training facility in Wilsonville, Oregon. Initially bought in 2001 by Barb Ellison, the long-time horse breeder worked closely with EFD to renovate this Willamette River waterfront property for nearly 10 years. The project was completed in 2009, and with it came the promise of a successful elite breeding center. Today, this impressive 215-acre equestrian estate is preparing to change ownership and has recently been listed on Christie […]

Equine Artists of North America

9:20 pm

Horses have been a source of inspiration and appeared in art works since the early days of humankind. From the prehistoric Lascaux cave paintings in France, to today’s equine-inspired architectural designs, the beauty, shape, and majesty of horses continue to inspire artists around the world. Today, we will be exploring the works of two contemporary equine artists in North America.

George Gospodinov: Equine Painter (Acrylic on Canvas)

George Gospodinov, a US-based equine artist who paints with acrylic on canvas, has been fascinated by the movements and elegance of horses since his early childhood.

George grew […]

Equine-Assisted Therapy in the COVID-19 Era

8:57 pm
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Mental Health and Equine- Assisted Therapy (E.A.T) in the Covid-19 era:

Following our previous blog post on the ‘Benefits of Equine Assisted Therapy’, we thought it might be interesting to revisit this topic in the context of the Covid-19 global pandemic.

Mental Health has been at the forefront of many discussions this past year, while anxiety and depression have skyrocketed as a result of prolonged isolation, grief, and loss. As we continue to recognize the benefits of outdoors activities and contact with animals on our mental health, adequate funding for large-scale scientific studies […]

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