Simple Tips for Barn Security

9:51 am

Keeping horses, facilities, and property safe from harm and theft is probably a paramount concern for most barn and horse owners. Highly publicized cases of horse theft with tragic outcomes have dominated social media in recent years, inspiring many horsemen to at least spring for a lock on the front gate. But is keeping your driveway secure doing enough for your entire property?

You may not be ready to install a full video surveillance system on your stable, but there are other options to make your farm more secure.

Bring In Your Halters: It’s a simple thing […]

Five Bucket List Adventures for Equestrians

8:47 am

For many equestrians, we live in a day-in, day-out routine which is very satisfying. We take care of our horses, we maintain our property, we train our horses to be better partners and athletes. But every now and then, we want to shake up the routine and experience new adventures. Here are five bucket list adventures for equestrians looking for something big, bold, and new.

Go riding in the Big City: Cities were built by horses, and some cities still boast riding stables. In New York City, Chateau Stables ( offers riding on Central Park’s […]

Choosing Saddle Pads

8:03 am

In an ideal world, the only thing between your horse and your saddle would be a simple cotton cloth — the better to keep your saddle from getting too sweaty and dirty.
In the real world, no horse is built the same, and no saddle can fit every horse, which makes the vast universe of gel pads, half pads, therapeutic pads, keyhole pads, and every other sort of saddle pad imaginable such a profitable enterprise. It’s a rare tack room that isn’t stocked with at least a dozen different saddle pads. So what’s the best way to choose […]

Three Helpful Apps for Tech-Savvy Horse Trainers

9:05 pm

Ready to get a little more work out of your phone? It’s good for more than Facebook and Instagram. With apps to help you organize your business, memorize your dressage tests, and even pack your trailer before a show, your smartphone can step up from fun device to functional helper — even in the most traditional of barns.

Recordkeeping: Keeping records straight around the barn can be challenging. A stable full of horses with different needs can require a constant whirlwind of visits from doctors, dentists, farriers, masseuses… you get the idea. Broodmares need their own set of […]

Stable Relationships: Dogs and Horses

8:58 pm

Dogs and horses just go together — at least, it seems like they should. Art over the centuries has certainly romanticized the dog/horse/human companionship as the epitome of the sporting or outdoor life. But do dogs really belong in the barn (or in the pastures, or on the trails, or in your arena?)

The answer depends, of course, on the dog and on the horse. If you’re considering introducing your dog to your horse, here are a few steps to help ensure the meeting goes well.

Obedience: Before you take your newest pound puppy to the […]

Tips for Winter Horse Grooming

11:30 am

Do you have a fuzzy horse in your barn this winter? Will you be blanketing as covered in my earlier post, Long coats call for special grooming strategies. A long winter coat is perfect for beating the winter wind and snow off your horse’s back, but it calls for extra attention when you’re exercising and training during the cold months. Long coats can hide dander, dried sweat, and dirt — which can make your horse itchy and uncomfortable. You’ll need the right tools for the job if you want […]

Preparing Mares and Stallions for Breeding Season

10:00 am

North America, it’s time to prep your mares and stallions for breeding season. Are you ready for spring?

Although the calendar says it’s still fall, and the first snowfalls are only just appearing on weather maps across the country, the spring breeding season begins early for many horsemen. With breeding sheds opening in February, the time to make sure horses are in optimal shape and hormonal balance for breeding season is already upon us.

Physical Fitness: Just getting a mare to ovulate and conceive requires an excellent body condition. Thin or overweight mares are poor candidates […]

Alternative Mice Control

9:00 am

Recently, ran the results of their pest control poll. The question, what do barn owners use to control mice and vermin around their barn, was tilted largely in favor of cats. Barn cats still do the heavy lifting when it comes to mouse patrol, and it’s no wonder: they don’t pose a health risk like poison, and they’re nice to look at when they’re not busy destroying tiny barn invaders.

There were some other interesting entries, though, including black snakes (how does one invite a black snake to their barn?) and raptors such as […]

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