The Top 5 Apps for Equestrians

10:26 pm

Have a smartphone? Then you have a valuable tool that can improve your riding, competition results, horse care skills, and more. Thanks to the countless apps for equestrians available now, you can turn your phone into a horse health database, a way to access the rules for your next competition, and even an alarm that will alert others if you get into trouble while riding alone. These top 5 apps for equestrians are must-haves.

Horse Side Vet Guide

Have questions about your horse’s health? Horse Side Vet Guide is a database loaded with valuable […]

5 Tips to Help Make Your Dream Barn into a Reality This Year

8:51 pm

A new year means it’s time for New Year’s resolutions – and what better resolution is there than to finally bring your dream barn to life? If you’re ready to build the stable, farm, or equestrian property of your dreams, these five tips can help you along the way.

Make a Wish List

Before you start, sit down and get all of your ideas on paper. Make sketches, lists of features you want – anything that can keep your thoughts organized. If you have photos of barns that you like, include those too. All of this information […]

How to Make Managing Blanketing in Your Barn Easier

8:49 pm

Blanketing Your Horses Simplified

Owning a barn in the winter is full of challenges. From plowing snow to keeping water buckets from freezing, you’ll have plenty of work ahead of you. But one chore – blanketing – is particularly time-consuming. These five tips can help to simplify your blanketing to save you time and frustration.

Minimize Your Blanketing

Perhaps the best way to simplify your blanketing program is to minimize the amount that you need to blanket your horses. If a horse has the winter off from riding, or is retired, let them grow […]

New Technology Can Help You Monitor Your Horse’s Health

7:39 pm
Horses Health

Monitor Your Horse’s Health with New Technology

Advancements in technology are revolutionizing the world. Lucky for us, they’re also improving our capabilities in the horse world. Whether you’re worried about your horse having an emergency while you aren’t there, or want to improve the effectiveness of your training program, chances are that there’s a new type of technology that can help you with that.

These three apps, programs, and devices can help you monitor your horse’s health for improved safety and even improved care for the horses in your barn.

Nightwatch […]

5 Barn Winter Prep Tasks to Take Care of Now

7:29 pm
Winter Prep

Top 5 Barn Winter Prep Tasks to Take Care of Now

Winter will be here before you know it, and those cold temperatures have already started to descend over parts of the country. Don’t get caught off-guard with your winter barn prep! Here are five important tasks that you should take care of now.

Maintain Your Horse Trailer

As your show season wraps up and you get ready to put your trailer away for the weekend, take a day and do some important maintenance. Pull up all of your floor mats and evaluate your […]

Ways to Keep Your Arena Footing From Freezing This Winter

10:49 pm
Footing From Freezing

Effective Tips to Keep Your Arena Footing Thawing This Winter

It can be difficult to keep your horse in work through the winter with the unpredictable weather and the shorter daylight hours. But if your arena footing starts freezing, then it can prevent you from being able to work your horse at all, no matter how determined you are. These tips can help you to prevent your arena footing from freezing so you can continue to work and even get a jump on next year’s show season.

Start with a Quality Arena

If you’re […]

Disaster Preparedness for the Horse Owner

5:08 am
Disaster Preparedness

Essential Disaster Preparedness Tips for Horse Owners

With Hurricane Florence hitting North and South Carolinas this week, we’ve all seen firsthand how important it is for horse owners to have a disaster preparedness plan in place. Have you designed an evacuation plan yet? The tips below can help you to create, improve, and refine your plans so that you’re well prepared just in case disaster ever strikes your area.

Create a Detailed Evacuation Plan

If you had to leave your farm with only a few hours’ notice, what would you do? Where would you […]

Should You Booster Your Horse’s Vaccines This Fall?

8:14 am
Horses Vaccines

Do You Need to Boost Your Horse’s Vaccines This Fall

If you ask a bunch of horse owners whether they booster their horses’ vaccines in the fall, you’ll probably get many different answers. Some vets highly recommend boosters, and some boarding barns may require them. But if you’re lucky enough to have your horses at home, the decision is probably up to you. So what’s the right choice?

Truth is, there’s no one easy answer to this question. Instead, you’ll need to weigh a few different factors in order to make the […]

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