Four Amenities Your Private Barn Needs

4:34 pm

Four Essential Amenities for Your Private Barn

Simple is best, right? Just you, your horses, a space to ride and a space to turn-out… what else could a happy horseman want?

Not so fast. For one thing, private barns have a way of becoming semi-private barns fairly easily. Oh, your friend Denise needs a place for her horse to stay during the equestrian festival!  What? Your coworker can’t afford the board at her dressage barn anymore? Come on over, we have a spare stall!

And even if you manage to maintain your privacy […]


3:37 pm

“No one can teach riding as well as a horse.”  CS Lewis

It’s time to tell Treasure’s story.  If you read my blog entitled Analogies and the Wizard of Oz, (, I allude to Helen Keller when describing Treasure:

Treasure, what can I say about Treasure?  The horse of every little girls dream – golden palomino, flaxen mane and tail, the color of straw.  Yep, Treasure was my Scarecrow, a gorgeous animal and the smallest horse in the barn with the biggest […]

Summer Isn’t Over Yet: Four Horse Biographies to Read Right Now

4:08 am

The Eighty-Dollar Champion By Elizabeth Letts

Yes, summer is almost over. Kids are going back to school, the locusts are singing their good-bye song, and shop windows are full of scarves and sweaters.

But don’t give up the end of your summer! There are still a few more weeks before Labor Day. You still have time for a little summer reading.

Get you to the beach or the lake, and pack your beach-bag with horsey reads. Here are four horse biographies to help you savor the last days of summer […]

An Equestrian in Saratoga: Three Things to See and Do in America’s Oldest Horse Racing Town

2:40 am

2013 marks the 150th anniversary of Thoroughbred horse racing at Saratoga Springs, New York.

Equestrians think of Saratoga for its high-bred horses, and it is truly one of those special towns where the horse is celebrated in every way. If you’re visiting Saratoga Springs as an equestrian tourist – what better way to travel, right? – here are three fantastic must-sees in Saratoga.

Big Red Spring

This beautiful town became a part of the upper-class for its springs – a series of unique, naturally carbonated mineral springs, each with its own purported health benefits. There […]

Changing Routine – Creating a Flexible Feeding Schedule

5:30 am

Is your horse turning into a very large alarm clock?

For centuries (or at least for decades) horse-people have had a rule drummed into their heads: Feed Horses At The Same Time Every Day. If you don’t keep your horses’ feeding schedule tight, you run the risk of colic.

Well, that idea has some merit. If you feed your horses at the same time every day for five years, and then one day you show up half an hour late, somebody might have gotten so worked up into a frenzy over his empty feed bucket that […]

Fly Control for Stables

9:33 pm

Flies and other biting insects are a constant part of a horse-owner’s life.

No one wants to see their horses stamping and swishing their tails at flies all day, not to mention the very real threat of insect-borne illnesses like equine encephalitis, West Nile Virus, and equine infectious anemia.

Often, the first thing a horse-owner turns to when they are trying to fight biting insects around the barn is fly-spray. Repellents and insecticides, however, should be the last line of defense in the battle against bugs. The real key to your horse’s […]

The Five Tools You Should Have in Your Grooming Kit

6:26 pm

Grooming is part of daily life with horses.

When we groom our horses, we aren’t just making them neat and pretty — we are finding their sore spots, locating hidden injuries, identifying muscles which need toning, working on stretches and obedience. And we’re also offering our horses a sign of our affection, by acting as member of the herd, giving out scratches in all the itchy places.

So even if your horse is neatly clipped and steps out of his stall like a fashion model, or lives out in the pasture and is rarely, or never, ridden […]

Magazine Review: Equestrian Quarterly – Celebrating Country Life

Magazine Review: Equestrian Quarterly

Do you ever find yourself thinking you signed up for the “Town and Country” life, but ended up with Green Acres (and speaking for myself, with a little Minnie Pearl vibe) instead?  Do you imagine yourself with shiny, perfectly groomed, well bred steeds in the fanciest of stables but when you walk out to the barn you find sweaty, dirty and frankly backyard bred (albeit beloved) mutts living in what could hardly be referred to as a ‘stable‘?  And like me, do you think of yourself as leading a Ralph […]

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